Most expensive CS:GO skin sold for $150,000

That is some serious money!

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When it comes to a game like CS:GO, the feature of purchasable aesthetics is one that many players take great pride in. Having the rarest or coolest looking skin is one of those things that is appreciated in silence by other players, and skins have become a huge part of the game that it is today.

With that being said, the culture of skins in the game has become so popular since the Arms Deal update in 2013, that purchasing and selling of skins is a business. Some skins are so rare that wealthy buyers are willing to spend huge amounts of money on these skins, making the sellers a lot of cash in return.

The most expensive skin ever sold was this year and the cost of the skin was a whopping $150,000, which is absolutely insane!

The skin that was sold with this enormous price tag was an AK-47 Case Hardened with the StatTrak™ Technology. Bearing 4 ‘Titan | Katowice 2014’ stickers on the skin with a Minimal Wear finish.

The Ak-47 Case Hardened skin was added to counter-strike as a part of the first-ever weapon case and was too a part of the Arms Deal Collection. The skin had an interesting pattern design that had a blue hue on it. It became obvious that most players really liked the blue glow emitted by the gun in the process and might likely just increase in value.

This reported trade was executed by a well known skin trader who goes by the name “ROFL” (@roflm0nster) on Twitter. This skin belongs to one of his friends named “Batmon” whom he is helping to sell their inventory. On 14th January, ROFL tweeted along with a Google Doc spreadsheet where he has updated the same with a wide range of weapon skin listings.