Broken champions for preseason LoL

We have had just over a week to test the new shop and items for this year’s preseason, but if you are still contemplating on which Champions you should be abusing right now, then look no further - we’ve already done the research for you.

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The season 10 ship has finally sailed and is no longer visible on the horizon. Now it is time for preseason before the next competitive season is predicted to begin at some point in the new year. So, as a League of Legends player, the question you should be asking yourself is, how can I make the most of this year’s preseason?

If you are still considering whether or not you should even be playing during this preseason, then I strongly suggest you read our article which offers an in depth answer on the matter. However, if you have not read it already, here is a short summary.

The new changes, item updates and brand new shop have been some of the most drastic changes the game has seen so far. Preseason gives you the time to adapt to these changes and work out your strengths against the meta, by figuring out the best items to build on your favorite champs and their good/bad matchups.

Preseason is primarily used for one thing; it is the testing ground for the developers, AKA Riot Games, to measure the effectiveness of their proposed changes. The time that is available to players now is golden as your ranks are not affected and will be reset going forward into the next season.

The most notable change so far has been the introduction of Mythic items to the game. Some of these are adjusted items from season 10, whilst others are completely fresh altogether. Either way, Mythic items have redefined the meta and have changed the ways in which you should be playing the game.

With that being said, after a week of testing out different champions, build paths and runes, here is a short list of some of those champions who we believe everyone should be abusing for free wins, along with their recommended Mythic item of choice.

(all images have been sourced from Riot Games)

Kha’Zix - Duskblade of Draktharr

It just made sense to have Kha as the first one on our list. The Voidreaver is probably one of the most broken champs in preseason when built with the reworked Duskblade as your Mythic item.

With its reworked passive, Kha’Zix is now more tyrannical than he was before. He has always been a deadly assassin and is reputable for one-shotting enemy squishies. But now, his primary job in the game has become even easier.

Not only Duskblade provide Kha with tons more damage (as if he did not have enough), but now, whenever you nuke an enemy champ, you gain invisibility for a 1½ seconds, which synergizes absurdly with the invisibility that is already built in to his kit, his ultimate “Void Assault” ability.

Additionally, Kha’s passive “Unseen Threat”, which enhances his next auto attack to deal bonus damage whenever he is not visible to the enemy team, is able to proc off Duskblade’s passive, as well as his R. It’s just damage, damage and even more damage for Kha’Zix this preseason, so he is definitely one to abuse this preseason, particularly in lower elos.


Malphite - Sunfire Aegis

The reworked Sunfire Cape from previous seasons has been amended to become even stronger and has enhanced the potential to carry for those tanks who previously built the item.

One of those champs is none other than Malphite and everyone’s favorite talking rock is one of the most banned champs so far, due to his extremely high win rates across elos.

Sunfire Aegis It provides with everything he needs; health, armour, magic resist, added to the passive from before “Immolate”. The aptitude in the item is provided by the new passive “Flametouch”, that gives Malphite the potential to dish out damage like an APC, whilst building full tank.

As the passive reaches max stacks, Malphite literally melts his opponents making him a nightmare to deal with in lane and in teamfights. We suspect either him or the item will be subject to nerfs shortly, so be sure to get in those free wins now before the Malphite-Sunfire combo is subdued.

Vayne - Kraken Slayer

Thankfully, this one is short and sweet for The Night Hunter. Kraken Slayer is a brand new item and Mythic choice for fighter/ADC champions. Essentially, once you have built the item, every third auto attack you deal dishes out bonus true damage.

Vayne’s W ability “Silver Bolts'' is already a passive ability, and one that coincides extremely well with Kraken Slayer’s passive to deal even more true damage. As we know, Vayne is the ADC champ’s queen of true damage and this makes her a perfect choice for comps that have a lot of tanky, frontliners in their team.

Kraken Slayer, as per recommendation in the new shop, is the anti-tank Mythic item choice for ADC’s and rushing this on Vayne just further enhances her potential to act as a hyper carry marksman.


Brand - Liandry’s Anguish

I think it is fair to say that Brand was one of those champions who was already doing a ton of damage and causing havoc as a support and as an APC. More often than not, if you coupled Brand with the right ADC in the bot lane, your duo becomes extremely tough to skirmish against, particularly if you are able to land his combo and proc the passive.

Now, with the option to rush your Mythic item, as it is recommended to do for most champs, the new Liandry’s is the perfect choice for Brand. Once completed, it empowers your other Legendary items with 5 ability haste, plus it sets you up for the rest of the game to destroy both tanky and squishy enemies.

It would just be criminal not to use Brand’s kit and synergize it with Liandry’s by rushing the item for insane amounts of burn damage, followed by building Demonic Embrace which offers even MORE burning. With these new items, you will literally light Summoner’s Rift on fire with Brand!

Fiora - Goredrinker

As we know, Fiora is the ultimate duelist, even beating the likes of Master Yi and Jax in some cases. She thrives in 1v1’s, 1v2’s, and even 1v3’s, is a menace in skirmishes and particularly when playing from ahead, has the ability to clean up teamfights with ease.

Goredrinker works extremely well with her because it acts as a tiamat proc, that was a core item from last season’s build path as part of Ravenous Hydra, on steroids. The item’s active deals a ton of damage and restores HP (more for a high number of enemies hit), as it scales both off of AD and missing HP.

Once completed, feel free to challenge your opposing laner in a 1v1, as well as roaming around the map to help your jungler and teammates with skirmishes. Fiora is certainly one of the best top laners to play right now, and if you already main her, then you are ahead of the curve.

Pyke - Prowler’s Claw

In similar light to the way we discussed Vayne’s cohesion with Kraken Slayer, the concept behind the combination of Prowler’s Claw and Pyke is simple to understand, and extremely effective to execute in your games.

The item itself provides a healthy amount of AD and lethality, added to the mythic passive which grants all Legendary items you build an extra 5 lethality. But it is the active “Sandswipe” that really bolsters Pyke’s potential for this preseason.

The active is a point and click ability that allows for you to dash through a target enemy dealing bonus physical damage, which synergizes phenomenally with his E, “Phantom Undertow”.

This mix massively aids him with gap-closing and ensures, more often than not, that you are able to land the stun on the latter part of Pyke’s E. It can also be used to burst through enemies and ult another, catching the opposition off guard.

If you haven’t already tested out Pyke with Prowler’s Claw, then what are you waiting for? Head into the game, hunt down your opponents and assassinate them with ease now!

Kalista - Galeforce

Kalista has always been a viable pick in the bot lane, but due to her mechanical difficulty, has not been the most popular. Nevertheless, once you master the ability to kite with her, she becomes a mid-late game monster.

Galeforce is a Mythic item that just seems to have been made for Kalista. It synergizes with Kalista’s passive so well as it essentially allows for her to jump twice as far in a given direction, as she normally would between auto attacks.

Additionally, Galeforce gives her the capacity to deal healthy amounts of damage, which is further increased for low health targets - this works particularly well with her E ability “Rend”, which immediately shreds through even the tankiest of enemies upon activation.

We recommend you choose this Mythic item when playing The Spear of Vengeance because it allows for a highly mobile champion to become even more slippery and harder to deal with.

Also, once completed, Galeforce will aid her in those 1v1 or 2v2 skirmishes in the bot lane, as well as its passive providing Legendary items with 3% bonus movement speed, ensuring you will be able to track enemies down, whilst you remain tough to pin down.

Kayle - Riftmaker

Last, but not least, is Kayle. Now, Kayle is roughly the same as Kalista, in the sense that she has always had the potential to be an excellent late game hyper carry, but just was not seeing the same game time as her peers in the top lane.

She is not as mechanically challenging as Kalista, though, but has had the reputation over the past season for being too weak in the early stages, therefore not being a good investment as a champ. She was extremely strong after her rework, but sort of fizzled out ever since she was heavily nerfed.

But with the new preseason among us, she has been sporting some of the highest win rates in the game and after small buffs in the recent patch, Kayle has been tearing up her opponents in the top lane with Riftmaker.

As we know, Kayle becomes exponentially stronger as the game progresses and Riftmaker’s passive gives her insane amounts of damage output in prolonged team fights, which is also converted to true damage at max strength.

Coupled with the right items such as Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Nashor’s Tooth, Kayle has the ability to melt through enemies and chop down tanks, as if someone was slicing through hot butter with a knife.

We definitely recommend that you pick up Kayle and start practising with her for the preseason, as she is dominating all queue types. She is not terribly hard to pick up and once you master her, it goes without saying that you will hard carry your games.


That concludes our list and hopefully, you managed to learn a bit more about the implications of the new Mythic items on some of our favorite champions. The meta has been completely redefined and we felt it was necessary to deliver such information.

There are a variety of other champions that can also be utilized with some of the other Mythic items to cause the same monstrosity as some of the champs above. But for now, these are just some of the ones that we found to prove effective in various games.

Feel free to leave a comment below if you think we missed out on any obvious choices; inevitably, as time progresses and players become more familiar with the new changes for preseason, there will be new builds and even more ways that players will be wielding champions to make them seem broken.


But for now, good luck, have fun and do not be toxic!